Snacks and Scripture Bible discussions during Lent

This year’s Lenten Discussion Group won’t be stopped.

We might not be able to have a soup supper together as in other years, but we can join together on Zoom on Wednesday evenings in March with some snacks and talk about Bible stories about food.

You don’t need to prepare ahead of time. There’s no need to worry if you don’t know much about the Bible! Please email Pastor Katrina if you’re interested.

Magnet keeps pulling us together!

Magnet, our traveling mascot of connectedness, has continued her journey spreading joy to various friends and members of our church.

She joined the Senas, and they found out she has a very good poker face. Then she went to the Tisos, shown en route below, and had some fun. She’s on the move again, so we’ll have to wait and see what she gets up to next!