Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re getting a chance to enjoy the lovely weather today before we have another couple days of cold weather. As we get properly into spring, there are a number of things going on in the life of the church:
Outdoor Worship All Sundays in April @11:30am
In addition to our 10am livestream service on our YouTube channel ( ), we are having outdoor services at 11:30 in the parsonage backyard along with outdoor Sunday school and Nursery Care. (Parsonage yard is right near the church parking lot.)
Please try to register ahead, bring a chair, and wear a mask. It would be extremely helpful for the church office if everyone registered by Friday so an accurate list can be printed out while Jeanine is in the office. If you forget, we can of course check you in on the day. You can register through contacting the church office or online.
Here’s the link to register for this Sunday, 4/18:
Here’s the link to register for next Sunday 4/25:

After Church Program 4/18: Arms and Armor
Now that we’ve got a weekend with a clear forecast, Kent’s demonstration on arms and armor has been rescheduled for this Sunday, 4/18 after the outdoor service. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch! There’s going to be fun for children and adults alike!

After Church Program 4/25: Seeds of Faith
We’ve received a donation of flower seeds, so after outdoor worship on 4/25 we’re going to have an event on the green to make pots and plant the seeds. See attached flyer for more information! (Thanks Katie P for the flyer!)

Mother’s Day Diaper Drive and Raffle
One of the difficult things for struggling families with young children is that diapers are expensive and not covered by many assistance programs. In the lead up to Mother’s Day, the Mission Board is collecting diapers. Those who bring those items will be entered into a raffle for a $50 8 Fifty Restaurant gift certificate. See attached flyer for details. (Thanks again Katie P!)

Spring Clean Up: 5/1
Now that spring is here, it’s time for out church spring clean up! It’s scheduled for Saturday 5/1 starting at 8am. See attached flyer by Jeanine for info on what to bring. The rain date is the following Saturday, 5/8.
General Comments
This week I wanted to highlight the work Chris and John D have been doing to upgrade the church audio tech for our livestream services. I’ve attached a picture of some of the work in progress. Over the past number of weeks, they’ve been installing equipment that enables us to mix audio live so we have more consistent volume and fuller sound, have a mix for how it sounds in the meetinghouse versus over the livestream, and we now also have monitors for Dave so he can hear the person he’s accompanying when he’s playing organ. In addition to John operating the camera, Chris has been mixing our sound live the past number of weeks. So, thank you to Chris and John for enabling us to make a joyful noise to the Lord that sounds much better!