Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re doing well this week! It was wonderful to see so many of you attending or volunteering at Strawberry Festival this weekend! VBS begins next Monday, and I want to thank everyone for all their help! You’ll notice lots of decorations up throughout the building. We also have some additional things going on:
Celebration Sunday: June 18th
Celebration Sunday is this Sunday, June 18th. We’ll have a special worship service celebrating this past program year, we’ll give thanks for our Faith Formation Coordinator, Valerie Beard, and her years of service as she finishes out her time on staff, and we’ll have a picnic together after worship. Picnic will be outside if the weather is good, if not we’ll eat in the Social Hall.

Volunteer Needed: Social Media Management
I’m looking for someone to periodically update our church Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube accounts while I’m on sabbatical (6/26-9/25). Youth volunteers also welcome. I’m happy to teach anyone who is interested! Email me ( or talk to me if you’re interested in taking this on! Time commitment is between 15 minutes to an hour a week. I’ll be posting what I’m up to, but we need someone to post what’s happening here at MCC!
Confirmation Class 2023-2024
This coming program year, we will have a confirmation class for 8th graders and up. Tentative first meeting is Sunday, October 15th after church. We’re looking to have confirmation on Celebration Sunday in 2024, which should be June 16th, 2024.
Interim Faith Formation Coordinator Position Posted
As many of you are aware, Valerie Beard, our Faith Formation Coordinator, is stepping down at the end of this school year. Church leadership has decided to search for an Interim Faith Formation Coordinator for the 2023-2024 program year, and there is possibility that person may be eligible for the permanent position. We’re beginning a search for that position which is open to people outside of MCC and people affiliated with MCC. The job posting is available here:
Pride Events by UCC Churches in our Conference
The Southern New England Conference has compiled a list of a number of events for Pride that have area UCC churches participating or sponsoring. Some of our neighboring Open and Affirming CT churches have events listed.
The full schedule can be found here:
General Comments: Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated to, and attended Strawberry Festival this past Sunday! We’re still subtracting out some of the costs, but things look on track to have met our fundraising goal for the event. We sold over 375 strawberry shortcakes, so we know for sure we had hundreds of people came by! I attached a few pictures I took. Thank you to everyone for all your effort.

Pastor Katrina