Dear friends in Christ,
I hope you’re all doing well this week There are a few things going on to highlight:
Winter Mission Projects
- Souper Bowl Sunday Soup Sale 2/13 (Next Sunday!)
- The Mission Board is holding a soup sale on the 13th of February. $5 a container. If you would like to sign up to make some soup for the sale, the sign up is here:
- Mitten Line
- In the winter months we are collecting winter clothing items (hats, gloves, scarf, etc.) We’re also taking new or gently used outerwear. Winter clothing items may be hung on the mitten line in the Social Hall or dropped off in the Church Office.
- Sock It to Homelessness
- One of the most needed clothing items for people experiencing homelessness is socks. So, we are collecting new and gently used socks of all types and sizes for GWIM to distribute. Socks can be dropped off in the bin next to the Multiplication Table in the sanctuary or in the Church Office.
Vote for MCC in the ion Bank Foundation Community Awards Program
Attention Ion Bank customers!
The Ion Bank Foundation Community Awards Program gives away $70,000 to local non-profit organizations with each Ion Bank customer eligible to vote for their favorite non-profit organization.
Voting has begun for the 13th Annual Community Awards Program so please help us earn grant money! We will receive a $25 donation from the Ion Bank Foundation for every vote* we receive!
Every vote counts! If you are an Ion Bank customer, please visit to vote until March 15, 2022.
*Voting is open to all Ion Bank customers. One vote per customer, however, for accounts with multiple owners, each owner may vote. Customers with multiple accounts may only vote once. Each customer can vote for only one organization.

Thank You and General Comments
I want to say one more thank you to all our staff, leaders, and volunteers for all your faithful work and service this past year. We had a good annual meeting on Sunday. We’ve passed a solid budget for 2022. And due to good planning and generosity from members past and present, we’ve been able to complete multiple capital improvements to our facilities the past two years, including restoring the majority of the front of the church. We’re in a good position for the year ahead thanks to the effort and generosity of many people, and I’m very grateful for all that everyone does. I’m also grateful to new volunteers stepping up into leadership positions starting this month and for all our volunteers who are continuing on in positions.
I’ve attached two pictures of the church, one Saturday and one Sunday, so you can see how beautiful things looked in the snow.

This Sunday is Scout Sunday, so we’ll be joined in worship by our Scouts!
Have a good rest of the week.
Pastor Katrina