Midweek Update: Trinity Sunday

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve had lately. June has a lot going on here at MCC, so be sure to check out what’s going on:

Meet Our Sabbatical Pastor: Sunday, June 4th

This Sunday, June 4th, we’ll be welcoming Chris Cole, who will be providing the majority of the pastoral and worship coverage when I’m on sabbatical. Chris will be participating in worship, and we’ll have a nice coffee hour where everyone can introduce themselves. Chris is a senior deacon at the First Congregational Church of Watertown, and he’s beginning the United Church of Christ ordination process. He’s already completed some coursework. His current career is as the executive director of a nonprofit in New Haven. A more complete bio was in the May issue of Church Life. A traditional part of preparation for ministry is opportunities for practical experience working at a church, and I’m excited for us to have the opportunity to help a student as he discerns a call to ministry. Chris will preach and lead worship 9 Sundays this summer, and he will be available for pastoral emergencies and some pastoral care each week. Chris’s first Sunday will be July 9th.

The Rev. Shannan Hudgins will preach, lead worship, and provide pastoral coverage for when Chris has vacation. Shannan and I serve on the Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School Alumni Board together, and she is a full time hospice chaplain. Shannan will be at MCC July 2nd, August 20th, August 27th, and September 3rd.

My sabbatical is from June 26th to September 25th.  

Vacation Bible School Registration is Live!

Vacation Bible School is back this summer at MCC, and registration is now open!  Join us for “Hero Hotline”, June 19-23rd.  To register a child (K-6th), go to: https://middleburycc.breezechms.com/form/VBS2023.

To register a counselor (7th-college), please go to: https://middleburycc.breezechms.com/form/VBSCounselor2023.

If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Valerie at vbeard@middleburyucc.org

Donations for VBS

Our Vacation Bible School program is quickly approaching!  We would appreciate the following donations.  Please let Valerie Beard (vbeard@middleburyucc.org) if you will be contributing something so we can check it off the list, and please drop off by 6/17.  Thank you!

  1. Cardboard
    1. Appreciate large cardboard boxes as well as pre-cut into:
      1. 8×10” rectangles – 30
      1. Shield shapes – variety of sizes. – 30
  2. Paper Towels
  3. Sturdy paper plates
  4. Sharpie Markers – 2 big packs (or equivalent), variety of colors
  5. Water bottles – mini/8oz size
  6. Tacky glue for shields –3 bottles
  7. Fresh Acrylic paint set (craft acrylic bottles).  A few bottles of silver/copper/gold
  8. Aluminum tape – two rolls.
  9. authentic tooling foil
  10. Air Dry Clay

Strawberry Festival: June 11th 3-7pm

Strawberry Festival is scheduled for Sunday, June 11th from 3-7pm. We’ll have strawberry shortcake. food, games, raffle baskets, and a book sale! Mark your calendars!

Raffle Basket Items Needed

Well we need some of your items you’d like to recycle for our raffle baskets that we are putting together for the Strawberry Festival. The themes are: Date Night, Baking to Your Hearts Content, Kids Summer Fun, Beach Time, Christmas in June, Garden Delight, and Margarita Salsa Night. So if you are getting rid of that pasta maker you never used or garden tools, Christmas ornaments, extra spatulas, rolling pins, bread bowls, Frisbees, beach balls, buckets, tickets to a restaurant you haven’t used, etc. we would love to have them to incorporate in our baskets. So please let us know what you have that you think would work well in these baskets. Look out for signup sheets on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Thank you from the Mission Board.

Confirmation Class 2023-2024

This coming program year, we will have a confirmation class for 8th graders and up. We’ll start up in October when I return from sabbatical, and we’re looking to have confirmation on Celebration Sunday in 2024, which should be June 16th, 2024.

Pride Events by UCC Churches in our Conference

The Southern New England Conference has compiled a list of a number of events for Pride that have area UCC churches participating or sponsoring. Some of our neighboring Open and Affirming  CT churches, Washington, Southington, Middletown, Enfield and more, all have events listed.

The full schedule can be found here: https://www.sneucc.org/newsdetail/2023-pride-guide-17411877

Our Open and Affirming Committee is meeting ahead of my sabbatical to make plans for programming for the upcoming fall and program year.

Celebration Sunday: June 18th

Celebration Sunday this year is June 18th. We’ll have a special worship service celebrating this past program year, we’ll give thanks for our Faith Formation Coordinator, Valerie Beard, and her years of service as she finishes out her time on staff, and we’ll have a picnic together after worship.

Charles P. Luckey Scholarship: Deadline May 31st

The application for the Charles P. Luckey Scholarship is available and is on our website:


Scholarships are open to any high school student entering their freshman year of college that is a member of Middlebury Congregational Church and will be attending an accredited college or university.

All applications must be postmarked by May 31, 2023.

Interim Faith Formation Coordinator Position Posted

As many of you are aware, Valerie Beard, our Faith Formation Coordinator, is stepping down at the end of this school year. Church leadership has decided to search for an Interim Faith Formation Coordinator for the 2023-2024 program year, and there is possibility that person may be eligible for the permanent position. We’re beginning a search for that position which is open to people outside of MCC and people affiliated with MCC. The job posting is available here: https://www.middleburyucc.org/job-openings-at-middlebury-congregational-church/

Sign Repaired: Thank you!

Thank you to John and Sal who repaired the sign in front of the meetinghouse! The sign posts had rotted out beneath the ground and given out right before Christmas Eve 2022, and thanks to some repair work by John and some digging by Sal, our sign now isn’t going anywhere! Picture is attached.

General Comments

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday on the church calendar. It’s the feast day dedicated to celebrating God, the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, in honor of the day, I thought I’d share a Trinitarian part from the ancient Celtic poem St. Patrick’s Breastplate which is traditionally attributed to St. Patrick. The beginning and the end of the much long poem is:

“I rise today

in power’s strength, invoking the Trinity,

believing in threeness

confessing the oneness,

of creation’s Creator”  


Pastor Katrina

Midweek Update: Pentecost

Dear friends in Christ,

I hope you’re all doing well this week and enjoying some of the lovely weather. Thank you to everyone who dropped off soup/groceries and for everyone who offered to help last week when I was sick.  I’m back to work and so far recovering fairly well. I’m still dealing with some fatigue and some sinus things as COVID and my allergies form an unfortunate alliance. But, I’ll be back in action this coming Sunday, Pentecost.

Middlebury Memorial Day Parade Sunday 5/28 5pm the Green

This Sunday afternoon is the Middlebury Memorial Day parade. We’ll have the church building open so our restrooms are available to everyone gathered on the Green. I hope to see many of you!

Lions Club Memorial Day Service: Sunday 5/28, 12pm Middlebury Cemetery

The Lions Club are hosting their annual service honoring our war dead and departed veterans on Sunday 12pm. I will likely see some of you at that service as well!

Meet Our Sabbatical Pastor: Sunday, June 4th

On Sunday, June 4th, we’ll be welcoming Chris Cole, who will be providing the majority of the pastoral and worship coverage when I’m on sabbatical. Chris will be participating in worship, and we’ll have a nice coffee hour where everyone can introduce themselves. Chris is a senior deacon at the First Congregational Church of Watertown, and he’s beginning the United Church of Christ ordination process. He’s already completed some coursework. His current career is as the executive director of a nonprofit in New Haven. A more complete bio was in the May issue of Church Life. A traditional part of preparation for ministry is opportunities for practical experience working at a church, and I’m excited for us to have the opportunity to help a student as he discerns a call to ministry. Chris will preach and lead worship 9 Sundays this summer, and he will be available for pastoral emergencies and some pastoral care each week. Chris’s first Sunday will be July 9th.

The Rev. Shannan Hudgins will preach, lead worship, and provide pastoral coverage for when Chris has vacation. Shannan and I serve on the Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School Alumni Board together, and she is a full time hospice chaplain. Shannan will be at MCC July 2nd, August 20th, August 27th, and September 3rd.

My sabbatical is from June 26th to September 25th.  I’ve attached a calendar of who is preaching when and providing coverage. We’ll send out info on how to be in touch with Chris and Shannan at a later date.

Vacation Bible School Registration is Live!

Vacation Bible School is back this summer at MCC, and registration is now open!  Join us for “Hero Hotline”, June 19-23rd.  To register a child (K-6th), go to: https://middleburycc.breezechms.com/form/VBS2023.

To register a counselor (7th-college), please go to: https://middleburycc.breezechms.com/form/VBSCounselor2023.

If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Valerie at vbeard@middleburyucc.org

Strawberry Festival: June 11th 3-7pm

Strawberry Festival is scheduled for Sunday, June 11th from 3-7pm. We’ll have strawberry shortcake. food, games, raffle baskets, and a book sale! Mark your calendars!

Raffle Basket Items Needed

Well we need some of your items you’d like to recycle for our raffle baskets that we are putting together for the Strawberry Festival. The themes are: Date Night, Baking to Your Hearts Content, Kids Summer Fun, Beach Time, Christmas in June, Garden Delight, and Margarita Salsa Night. So if you are getting rid of that pasta maker you never used or garden tools, Christmas ornaments, extra spatulas, rolling pins, bread bowls, Frisbees, beach balls, buckets, tickets to a restaurant you haven’t used, etc. we would love to have them to incorporate in our baskets. So please let us know what you have that you think would work well in these baskets. Look out for signup sheets on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Thank you from the Mission Board.

Confirmation Class 2023-2024

This coming program year, we will have a confirmation class for 8th graders and up. We’ll start up in October when I return from sabbatical, and we’re looking to have confirmation on Celebration Sunday in 2024, which should be June 16th, 2024.

Charles P. Luckey Scholarship: Deadline May 31st

The application for the Charles P. Luckey Scholarship is available and is on our website:


Scholarships are open to any high school student entering their freshman year of college that is a member of Middlebury Congregational Church and will be attending an accredited college or university.

All applications must be postmarked by May 31, 2023.

Interim Faith Formation Coordinator Position Posted

As many of you are aware, Valerie Beard, our Faith Formation Coordinator, is stepping down at the end of this school year. Church leadership has decided to search for an Interim Faith Formation Coordinator for the 2023-2024 program year, and there is possibility that person may be eligible for the permanent position. We’re beginning a search for that position which is open to people outside of MCC and people affiliated with MCC. The job posting is available here: https://www.middleburyucc.org/job-openings-at-middlebury-congregational-church/

 General Comments

This Sunday is Pentecost, when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. Often Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church. We will have cake at coffee hour. On the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to speak many languages, foreshadowing the Church’s global mission and future diversity. So, we have a number of people from our church who will read the scripture lesson in various languages so we can get a sense of what things might have sounded like on Pentecost.

One of the interesting aspects of the Holy Spirit is in Hebrew the word for spirit is a feminine noun, and in Greek it’s a gender neutral noun. The Spirit in mentioned in scripture a lot in relation to creation and bringing life. So, many people, including scholars, see the Holy Spirit as feminine. For this week leading up to Pentecost, I thought I’d share a poem by Joyce Rupp that goes with some of that imagery, which we don’t tend to experience as much in our more traditional setting:

“inside each of us” by Joyce Rupp

“inside each of us

there awaits

a wonder


spirit of freedom

she waits

to dance

in the rooms

of our heart

that are closed

dark and cluttered

she waits

to dance

in the spaces

where negative feelings

have built barricades

and stock-piled weapons

she waits

to dance

in the corners

where we still

do not believe

in our goodness

inside each of us

there awaits

a wonder


spirit of freedom

she will lift light feet

and make glad songs

within us

on the day

we open the door of ego

and let enemies

stomp out”


Pastor Katrina