Spring mission projects kick off

Easter Baskets: We’re donating Easter meals for three Middlebury families in need.

Because of COVID, we’re asking for monetary donations rather than food donations. The food in each basket is about $100, so we’re looking to raise $300. If you would like to donate, you may write a check to the church and indicate it’s for “Missions” in the memo line, or you can donate online and direct your donation to “Missions.”

(Thanks Katie P for the flyer!)

Diaper Collection: In addition to the food we regularly collect for GWIM, this spring we’re also collecting diapers. You may leave the diapers in the same bin outside the church office.

In-person worship resumes in April!

After discussion with the deacons and church staff, we’re planning to have outdoor worship at 11:30 a.m. every Sunday in April.

For the outdoor services, the same procedures we used in the fall will apply. Wear a mask, bring a chair, and please preregister once the registration forms go live.

I know a number of people are eager to resume indoor worship, but we’re going to start with resuming outdoor activity for now. Outdoor worship is significantly less risky, and it allows us to have a service closer to how things were before the pandemic.

We’ll use the time in March and April to review current conditions and prepare for an eventual return to indoor worship. As we get further along, we’ll make plans for May and after that.

I know it’s been a year at this point since we’ve had worship in the building, and it’s been heartbreaking and difficult to have our life together as the church disrupted for so long (in addition to all the other ways the pandemic has disrupted our lives). But, we’re on the homestretch as more and more people are vaccinated each day and vaccine eligibility expands. We’ve made it this long with waiting, and we’re nearly there.

In the words of the apostle Paul, “Let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.”

Pastor Katrina